§1. General rules

  1. Privacy policy and the use of cookies on the website (hereinafter: “Policy”) was created and adopted by 127RG (FINTECH Jarosław Kozioł)
  2. The terms used in the Policy mean:
    • Service: website;
    • User: an entity using the publicly available Website;
    • Owner: FINTECH Jarosław Kozioł, st. Żeromskiego 27, 05-075 Warsaw, operating a business under VAT PL9522109901 REGON 365048640.
    • Cookies: text files, sent by the Website and saved on the User’s end device, which are used by the User when browsing the web pages. The files contain information necessary for the proper functioning of the Website. Cookies usually contain the domain name of the website they come from, the time of their storage on the terminal device and the number;
    • Telecommunications law: Act of 16 July 2004 Telecommunications Law (Journal of Laws 2014.243, as amended);
    • The śude law: the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws of 2013, no. 142, as amended);
    • The odo Act: Act of 29 August 1997 on the Protection of Personal Data (Journal of Laws 2014.1182, as amended).
  3. The purpose of the Policy in particular is:
    • providing Users with information regarding the use of Cookies on the Website required by the provisions of the Telecommunications Law;
    • providing Users with protection of privacy to the extent corresponding to the standards and requirements set out in applicable legal provisions, in particular in the Act on Law, the Act on Human Rights and the Telecommunications Law.
  4. The owner restricts the collection and use of information about Users to the minimum, that is necessary to provide services to them.
  5. In order to obtain full access through the Website, to the contents and services offered by the Owner, it is advisable to accept the Policy.


§2. Protection of privacy and personal data

  1. Data regarding Users are processed by the Owner in accordance with the law. The Users’ personal data obtained by the Owner are processed on the basis of a permit granted by the User or on the basis of statutory prerequisites justifying the data processing, in accordance with the legal requirements, in particular with the odo Act and the implementing regulations.
  2. The owner shall take special care to protect the interests of the data subjects and, in particular, ensure that the data are:
    • processed in accordance with the law,
    • gathered for specified, legitimate purposes and not be subjected to further processing incompatible with these purposes;
    • factually correct and adequate in relation to the purposes for which they are processed,
    • stored in a form that permits the identification of persons to whom they relate, no longer that it is necessary to achieve the purpose of processing.
  3. The owner uses appropriate IT, technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of personal data adequate to the threats and categories of data protected, in particular protection against:
    • sharing to unauthorized persons,
    • takeover by an unauthorized person,
    • processing with violation of the law,
    • change, loss, damage or destruction.
  4. The owner strives for systematic modernization of the applied IT, technical and organizational measures to protect this data, in particular, the owner provides updates of IT personal data protection measures to protect against viruses, unauthorized access and other threats arising from the operation of the IT system and telecommunications networks.
  5. Each User, who in any way has provided the Owner with his personal data, the Owner provides access to personal data concerning him for the purposes of verification, modification or deletion. The transfer of personal data is voluntary.


§3. Cookies

  1. Cookies are used for the purpose of:
    • adaptation of the Website content to the User’s preferences;
    • optimizing the use of the Website, in particular by recognizing the User’s end device,
    • creating statistics,
    • maintaining the User’s session,
    • providing advertising content to the User.
  2. Cookies may be posted on the Website User’s end device and used in accordance with the law, in particular the śude Act, the odo Act and Telecommunications Law.
  3. It should be remembered that in some cases, Back beyond the control of the Owner, the software installed by the User on the terminal device used for browsing the web (so-called web browser) introduces the default storage of Cookies in the User’s end device. Website users can change their Cookie settings at any time. These settings can be changed, i.e. in such a way, to block the automatic settings of Cookies or inform about their posting on the User’s end device. Detailed information of this regard is available in the settings and instructions regarding the software (web browser).
  4. Changing the settings is an expression of objection, which in the future will prevent the storage of the Owner’s data in the User’s end device.
  5. Changing the settings of Cookies may cause difficulties in using the Website, in particular those requiring login. Disabling cookies altogether will not mean that you can not view the content posted on the Website, subject to those for which login requires access.
  6. Not changing any settings means that the data will be placed on the end device of the User (using the Website will cause automatic placing of Cookies in the User’s end device).
  7. The stored data contained in the User’s end device does not cause any configuration changes in the User’s end device or software installed in this device.
  8. Cookies information also applies to other similar technologies used within the Website.


§4. Provision of services electronically

  1. In the event of providing the service electronically to the User, the Owner may install the software in the User’s end devices intended for using these services or use the software provided that the User:
    • will be informed about the purpose for which the software will be installed before installing it, and how the Owner uses this software;
    • will be informed about the method of removing the software from the User’s terminal device;
    • before installing the software, will agree to its installation and use.
  2. Information in the above-mentioned range, will be granted to the User together with the provision of software necessary to use the services.


§5. Final Provisions

  1. The policy was accepted under the Owner’s order and becomes effective on . The Policy may be changed in the same manner.
  2. Any deviations from the Policy must be made in writing under pain of being declared null and void.
  3. The law applicable to the Policy is the law of the Republic of Poland.
  4. In matters not regulated in the Policy, relevant legal provisions shall apply, including the Telecommunications Law, the odo Act, and the śude act.